Hiking for Health and Happiness

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Discover Nature Notes
Published Display Date
Oct 13, 2019

A walk around the block has its benefits, but if you really want to ramp up your health and happiness, try hiking. From out your door down to your core, research shows multiple benefits for mind and body. With cooling temps and changing colors, fall is a great time to hit the trails.

Besides enjoying nature’s surround sounds, fresh scents, and colors, you can boost your brain power and creative thinking.

Whether trail running or walking, the physical benefits of hiking are wide-ranging. The uneven terrain of paths that wind up, down, and sideways, work a variety muscle groups and help with overall balance--boosting the energy you use by 28 percent compared to walking on flat surfaces (Time Magazine). Hikers report benefits like weight loss, stress relief, better sleep, and more positive thoughts.

New hikers can start out slow and build up with a variety of trails and scenery from short walks to more moderate hikes. For safety and company, you can take a buddy or join a hiking club. Be prepared and stay hydrated to enjoy healthy and happy trails. Care should be taken on variable terrain to avoid injuries. There are several smooth surfaced trails as well. Explore hiking on MDC Conservation areas.

Take a hike with St. Louis radio's Jeff Burton at Powder Valley Conservation Nature Center in the video below.

Hiking Prep

It’s so important to be prepared before going hiking. These tips from the American Hiking Society are sure to help.

  • Wear appropriate footwear. Consider shoes or boots with traction, support and protection.
  • Consider bringing a paper map and compass as a backup to your phone and GPS unit.
  • Stay hydrated! Plan for a half liter of water per hour in moderate temperatures/terrain.
  • Bring calorie-dense foods for a hike snack.
  • Be sure to bring along a first aid kit.
  • Sunscreen, sunscreen, sunscreen!

For more essential tips, visit the American Hiking Society’s website.

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