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From Missouri Conservationist: November 2017

Letters to the Editor Submissions reflect readers’ opinions and may be edited for length and clarity. Email or write to us:

Missouri Conservationist
PO Box 180
Jefferson City, MO 65102

Butterfly Effect

I have attended meetings, listened to lectures, and read books, but your article The Butterfly Effect [September] is the best I have seen on monarchs.

Shelley Wilson via email

We planted a few milkweed plants in our flower gardens this summer. It’s fun watching the beautiful caterpillars. And we’re finding the jade-green chrysalises suspended under the deck railing and hose reel. If more people will make a small effort to promote the health of the monarch, we can bring back the population of this beautiful butterfly and important pollinator. Great September monarch article! Love reading the Conservationist!

Bruce Barnett Marthasville

I saw a young monarch on our front sidewalk, and it was in the sun and appeared to be drying its wings. The back wings still appeared to be moist. We assume this butterfly is from the group of nine to 10 caterpillars we found on one of our milkweed plants in mid-August. Those caterpillars stripped every leaf from the plant, which now has produced new leaves. We searched for the chrysalises, but they really hide very well on nearby plants. We are anxiously waiting to see if any more young monarchs appear.

Our family enjoyed the wonderful article about monarchs by Matt Seek in the September issue. We plan to get tags from Monarch Watch for next year’s monarchs.

Gus Degardin St. John

The photos of the monarch butterflies in the September issue are beautiful. Your photographers deserve recognition for their fine work.

Jeanne Sheets Nevada

We want to let you know how much we enjoyed and appreciated The Butterfly Effect by Matt Seek. We watched the monarchs right out of our sunroom windows. However, they were about half the size of those my son chased and collected 50 years ago in St. Charles. Thanks for the Missouri Conservationist.

Dallas and Joan Barteau Troy

The article on monarch butterflies in the September issue was perhaps the best I’ve ever read in your magazine. Interesting, informative, and well written. Well done!

Lenny G. Kostecki Florissant

As a retired research biologist with the U.S. Fishand Wildlife Service, I appreciate the excellent workthat MDC does. What an outstanding article by Matt Seek on the monarch butterfly in the September issue. It was highly relevant and very informative! I chose to retire in Missouri because of the excellent wildlife potential in this beautiful state. As our new Commissioner Nicole Wood said, “Missouri has the best Department of Conservation in the United States.” Thanks for a great magazine!

Donald H. White, Ph.D. Willow Springs

Protecting Wildlife, Citizens

Just a note of appreciation to your great conservation agents. I was dove hunting over Labor Day weekend. Agents came onto the farm near Minor where we were hunting to check our licenses. They were great people — very professional and friendly. I was approached last year, too. Both times, I couldn’t have asked for nicer people. They were thorough and patient. They asked questions about the farmer, who they knew, and made sure we knew him, too.

Thank you for protecting my family from trespassers. I couldn’t ask for better men and women. Made me proud that I live in Missouri.

Duane Billington Festus

Hunters, Help Us!

November 11-12, mandatory CWD Sampling of Deer Opening Fire Arms Weekend in 25 Counties. Bring your deer to a sampling station near you.

The 25 mandatory CWD sampling counties are: Adair, Barry, Benton, Cedar, Cole, Crawford, Dade, Franklin, Hickory, Jefferson, Knox, Linn, Macon, Moniteau,Ozark, Polk, St. Charles, St. Clair,St. Francois, Ste. Genevieve, Stone, Sullivan, Taney, Warren, and Washington.

Get information on chronic wasting disease and sampling locations at, or in the 2017 Fall Deer & Turkey Hunting Regulations and Information booklet available where permits are sold.

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Send a note using our online contact form at

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Share your photos on Flickr at, email, or include the hashtag #mdcdiscovernature on your Instagram photos.

This Issue's Staff

Editor - Angie Daly Morfeld

Associate Editor - Bonnie Chasteen

Staff Writer - Larry Archer
Staff Writer - Heather Feeler
Staff Writer - Kristie Hilgedick
Staff Writer - Joe Jerek

Creative Director - Stephanie Thurber

Art Director - Cliff White

Designer - Les Fortenberry
Designer - Marci Porter

Photographer - Noppadol Paothong
Photographer - David Stonner

Circulation - Laura Scheuler