Learn the stories behind the photography at MDC event Sept. 1 in Jefferson City

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Jefferson City, Mo. – Photographing nature requires skill and a whole lot of patience. The Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) invites the public to hear from MDC nature photographer, David Stonner, on how he is able to capture Missouri’s natural elements.

At this event, Stonner will recount his favorite memories and the stories behind some of his iconic photos. “Photography is important because it is the best way to share the beauty and importance of Missouri’s many landscapes, habitats, animals and people with Missouri Conservationist readers,” Stonner stated. “Many Missourians and visitors may not realize just how much of an outdoor experience our state has to offer from rolling upland prairies, to the rugged hills and trails of the Ozarks, and the vast swamps and wetlands of the bootheel.”

This event will run from 6-7 p.m. on Sept. 1 at Runge Nature Center in Jefferson City and is free to participants. This particular event is designed for ages 16 and older with prior registration required. To register, go to https://short.mdc.mo.gov/4qb. For any questions, email the event coordinator, Becky Matney, at becky.matney@mdc.mo.gov.

Runge Nature Center is located at 330 Commerce Dr. in Jefferson City.